County - Select -CalhounChesterChesterfieldClarendonDarlingtonDillonFairfieldFlorenceGreenvilleKershawLaurensLeeLexingtonMarionMarlboroNewberryOrangeburgRichlandSaludaSumter Please choose which county your agency is located in. Agency Information Agency Name Agency Number Person Filing Phone Number Email Month - None -JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Year Section 1: Agencies that provide bags of food to clients Skip to section 2: Agencies that provide hot food to clients Households Enter the number of households served (number of applications taken for the month) from each county. Re-order County Number of Households Weight Operations County - None -CalhounChesterChesterfieldClarendonDarlingtonDillonFairfieldFlorenceGreenvilleKershawLaurensLeeLexingtonMarionMarlboroNewberryOrangeburgRichlandSaludaSumterOther (Outside Service Area) Number of Households Item weight Add more items more items Families Enter the number of families that received USDA Product from each county. Re-order County Number of Families Weight Operations County - None -CalhounChesterChesterfieldClarendonDarlingtonDillonFairfieldFlorenceGreenvilleKershawLaurensLeeLexingtonMarionMarlboroNewberryOrangeburgRichlandSaludaSumterOther (Outside Service Area) Number of Families Item weight Add more items more items SNAP Enter the number of SNAP (Food Stamp) contacts made in each county. Re-order County Number of SNAP contacts Weight Operations County - None -CalhounChesterChesterfieldClarendonDarlingtonDillonFairfieldFlorenceGreenvilleKershawLaurensLeeLexingtonMarionMarlboroNewberryOrangeburgRichlandSaludaSumterOther (Outside Service Area) Number of SNAP contacts Item weight Add more items more items Section 2: Agencies that provide hot food to clients DHEC-Regulated Soup Kitchens DHEC - Meals Served Shelters Shelters - Meals Served Shelters - Snacks Served Group Homes, Camps, Day Cares Other - Meals Served Other - Snacks Served Leave this field blank