County - Select -CalhounChesterChesterfieldClarendonDarlingtonDillonFairfieldFlorenceGreenvilleKershawLaurensLeeLexingtonMarionMarlboroNewberryOrangeburgRichlandSaludaSumter Please choose which county your agency is located in. Agency Information Agency Name Agency Number Person Filing Phone Number Email Month - None -JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Year Section 1: Agencies that provide bags of food to clients Skip to section 2: Agencies that provide hot food to clients Households Enter the number of households served (number of applications taken for the month) from each county. Show row weights Hide lower priority columns Re-order County Number of Households Weight Operations County - None -CalhounChesterChesterfieldClarendonDarlingtonDillonFairfieldFlorenceGreenvilleKershawLaurensLeeLexingtonMarionMarlboroNewberryOrangeburgRichlandSaludaSumterOther (Outside Service Area) Number of Households Item weight Add more items more items Families Enter the number of families that received USDA Product from each county. Show row weights Hide lower priority columns Re-order County Number of Families Weight Operations County - None -CalhounChesterChesterfieldClarendonDarlingtonDillonFairfieldFlorenceGreenvilleKershawLaurensLeeLexingtonMarionMarlboroNewberryOrangeburgRichlandSaludaSumterOther (Outside Service Area) Number of Families Item weight Add more items more items SNAP Enter the number of SNAP (Food Stamp) contacts made in each county. Show row weights Hide lower priority columns Re-order County Number of SNAP contacts Weight Operations County - None -CalhounChesterChesterfieldClarendonDarlingtonDillonFairfieldFlorenceGreenvilleKershawLaurensLeeLexingtonMarionMarlboroNewberryOrangeburgRichlandSaludaSumterOther (Outside Service Area) Number of SNAP contacts Item weight Add more items more items Section 2: Agencies that provide hot food to clients DHEC-Regulated Soup Kitchens DHEC - Meals Served Shelters Shelters - Meals Served Shelters - Snacks Served Group Homes, Camps, Day Cares Other - Meals Served Other - Snacks Served Leave this field blank