Feed One Child

Even slight malnutrition can steal a child's potential.

Not having enough to eat can hinder a child's physical growth and brain development, making it harder to focus in school, keep up with their peers, and fight off illness. This can lead to missed school days and a cycle of falling behind.

What is food insecurity?

Food insecurity means that a household has limited access to food due to insufficient resources. During the school week, children eat meals at school, but they may struggle to get enough calories during weekends and school breaks. Our backpack program is designed to fill this gap and make sure no child suffers from hunger in South Carolina.

Together, we can ensure no child goes hungry.

Each week, we fill backpacks with nutritious food to ensure all children have access to the fuel they need to learn, grow, and thrive. Your donation can make a difference! 

Fill a Backpack for $6.50